Thursday, September 28, 2006


Why is our society so couple-oriented? Why do the single girls feel out of place when they have to go to a wedding solo? Why do people look at a girl funny if she is alone at a restaurant or buying a house by herself? I can go on with these questions. I've experienced it all! Frankly, I am getting a little sick of this pressure.

Sadly, a lot of it comes from my closest friends. I know that they mean well when they get so excited for me when I am going on a first date with someone but they don't understand how much pressure they put on me when they have me married to this guy that I just met in a matter of a 5-minute conversation. All of my friends are very happily married; they think that is what my goal should be. I'm not sure that's what I am actively pursuing though. I am just looking for a "partner in crime", someone whose company I can enjoy no matter what the situation is. Everything else will fall into place.

What started this venting session is my conversation I had with my best friend S. yesterday. I told her about our date with Bob and she wasn't impressed with the fact that he didn't take me to a fancy restaurant, so she automatically thought he wasn't worth my time. I tried to tell her that the fact that her now hubby took her to an expensive restaurant for their first date didn't affect their future marriage at all but she wouldn't listen, so I am just going to do what I think is right for me!

Not sure where I was going with this :-) Just jotting down some thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Interesting question, I don't think it applies to men as much. It seems weird she wouldn't be impressed by just having a low key first date as opposed to an expensive restaurant or event. I mean you don't want to make big plans with someone you might not want to spend that much time with :)

Girlie Monkey said...

I completely agree with you there, Angel but my sissy has her own ideas of how dating should be :-) I still love her though...

Have a great weekend,

Anonymous said...

Just came across your site through someone else's (not sure whose). All of my friends are married, too, and my best friend is on a constant mission to set me up with any halfway decent guy around. So, anyway, I know how you feel! I, personally would be a million times more nervous to be taken to an expensive restaurant for a first date! What do you dare order?