Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Open letter to all of my ex-boyfriends, "match.com buddies" and random guys that decide to call me on occasion.

Dear all,
I admit it. I jump up and down when one of you calls me or texts me on a Friday night when I am not doing anything. Not that I am that into you but I am bored and your phone call might just be my way out of the house for the evening. Then, we have a good time and I think that maybe, just maybe something will come out of it... and you disappear for a couple of weeks or months until you think of me again. And what do I do? I answer the phone again!

Well, this is going to stop. Do not call me, text me or email me any more. If you do, don't expect me to answer. All this does is make me doubt myself every time things don't go right. You make me feel like I am not good enough for anything more than what you give me. I deserve better so I am starting over!

I am not going to let anyone treat me like crap any more. If you don't like it you can go ... well, you know where.

Have a good life!

Girlie Monkey


Gissy said...

Amen! As a recently single girl myself (4 years and one divorce later), I can truly empathize with your dating pains. You do deserve better! Make those nasty boys play by YOUR rules from now on. So are you having any luck on match.com? I haven't been...

Anonymous said...

I hope you can stick to that, you deserve someone who will treat you with respect and enjoy the time he spends with you. Good Luck :)