Thursday, July 20, 2006

Everybody Salsa...Not!

I was so excited about going salsa dancing with my friend A. last night. When we got to the Latino Night Club it turned out that they played rock music on Wednesday nights!!! Hmm... Latino Club and Rock Music... I don't see the connection but whatever. So A., his sister and I resorted to hanging out at the bar and having a few cocktails, and then going to my house. A. and I had a good time catching up. We have some history, we never really dated in college but were always attracted to each other. It was really nice to hang out with someone who genuinely thought that I was the most beautiful girl in the world and who wasn't afraid to show it. Really boosted my self-esteem. I definitely needed that after series of "dating disappointments."

I am very sleepy but happy today. Life is good!


Anonymous said... there a possibility with A????? Come on girl, dish.

Anonymous said...

How refreshing! I'm happy for you! There's nothing like catching up with old buddies...maybe old flames too!! heeheee ok I'm so lame. Keep us updated!