Sunday, January 28, 2007


I've gotta tell you... We should always listen to what our intuition is telling us... I've been to hell and back in the last three days fighting with my boyfriend over why he's been so distant and weird. I tried to ask him, I tried to reason with him, I tried asking him to come over and talk. He kept denying everything and being wishy-washy. Then he stopped answering my messages and calls. Hadn't heard from him for two days. I had this sick feeling in my stomach because I knew he had to be cheating on me otherwise he wouldn't be treating me that way but I kept trying to supress that still having a little bit of hope left somewhere.

Then, this morning I logged on to check my Facebook (We are both on there) and saw this message on his "wall" from his friend Rich: "Hey man... Did I leave my phone at your girl's house last night? It seems to be missing." Now, it seems harmless except that I've never met this friend so he definitely wasn't at my house last night! That just confirmed my suspicions about B. fooling around behind my back.

I told him to bring my apartment key back and leave under the door rug and put all of his stuff I had at my apartment outside in a plastic bag.

I would have loved to know how we could go from being blissfully happy to this in a matter of a few hours, it seems like but I am afraid I will never know the truth... I am done crying though. Life goes on!

1 comment:

mist1 said...

Oooh, busted.