Thursday, April 19, 2007

Short and Sweet

A real note on my neighbors' door: "Looking for friends. Ours suck. Knock on the door." HAHAHA!


Melina said...

Did you knock?

By the way are you going to Blogher in Chicago this year, I'm not sure where in Missouri you are, but it's not that far from Chicago is it?

If you are I'm going and would love to meet you. Let me know

Girlie Monkey said...

Melina: What's a Blogher? Some type of a Bloggers get together?

I am actually about 9 hours away from Chicago so not really driving distance...

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! That is too funny!
BTW, I posted something on Lambert's since you inspired me to think about how much I miss the "throwed" roll! LOL! Now, I wonder why they say "throwed" and not "thrown"? LOL! Sorry, that's the English teacher in me! ;)

m said...

I love it. I wonder if they were trying to piss off their current friends or really do want new ones?

Heidi said...

Did you knock, did you knock?

I wouldn't be able to stop myself!